Please check the drivers for Atape.driver and the atldd.driver to see if you may need to upgrade to a later version? or what drivers are for your system... Justin
Roger Deschner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 03/08/2004 08:35:31 PM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: Subject: Define Drive mystery in SCSI library We added three new Super-DLT drives to our existing Quantum ATL P7000 library - upgrading from five drives to eight. The previous five drives are OK and working, but TSM ( on AIX 5.2) cannot see the three new ones. The existing 5 drives, named drive0-drive4, have Element Numbers 128-132. The problem is when I do tsm: ADSM>define drive atllib drive5 element=133 ANR8366E DEFINE DRIVE: Invalid value for ELEMENT parameter. ANS8001I Return code 3. I'm probably missing something simple here. Here's what I've tried already. Restarting the server, and rebooting AIX. The new drives were visible to AIX as soon as I ran cfgmgr, at the SCSI addresses expected. I used smit to define them as "Tivoli Storage Manager Devices". Everything went according to expectations, except that TSM won't recognize the Element Numbers of the new drives. I tried all possible element numbers in the range, in case the ATL guy miswired something. Nothing worked in TSM even though AIX seemed very happy about these new drives. I even tried undefining and redefining one of the existing drives (and its Path, of course) and that worked OK. I can't even get far enough to do a define path until I get it to accept the new element numbers. What obvious, simple thing am I overlooking? Roger Deschner University of Illinois at Chicago [EMAIL PROTECTED]