OK... it would appear then that the "scratch" status is as I surmised,
yes? But you didn't answer my question about verifying that the tape is
indeed in the library.

A general piece of advice: if you encounter an error or warning message,
it should be investigated. If you do not know for certain what the message
means, you should look it up. You can look up the server messages in the
"TSM Messages" manual or by simply using the Admin command line
interface's build-in help facility. From the Admin CLI, you can enter
"HELP messagenumber".

Take a close look at the activity log messages you included in your post.
The first two messages should certainly interest you:

ANR8312E Volume CDFD11 could not be located in library AUTOLIB.
ANR8358E Audit operation is required for library AUTOLIB.

The first message would appear to answer my outstanding question: while
TSM thought the volume was in the library, it could not find it when it
tried to mount it. That would explain why it sets the access to

The second message is also indicative of a problem, and even provides you
with a suggested course of action.

I recommend that you use the Admin HELP command as I suggested above to
look up the messages:

   HELP ANR8312E
   HELP ANR8358E

(or you can simply use HELP 8312 and HELP 8358). Review the text of the
messages so that you can better understand what they are telling you.

As I mentioned above, these messages suggest a course of action: audit
your library.

You can look up the AUDIT LIBRARY Command in the TSM Administrator's
Reference or else run HELP AUDIT LIBRARY from and Admin command line

Once the audit is complete, see if the tape is actually in the library. If
it is in the library, try your restore again. If it is not in the library,
you'll need to find the volume and check it in.

As you can see, examining *all* information is of great help in moving
forward.   :-)

Don't forget to make sure you implement storage pool backup. And make sure
you are also backing up your TSM database on a regular basis.



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
"Good enough" is the enemy of excellence.

Geetha Thanu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
02/25/2004 13:02
Please respond to
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"


Re: restore data

 I am pasting the results of
q volume:
                   Volume Name: CDFD11
             Storage Pool Name: CDFD
             Device Class Name: DLT
       Estimated Capacity (MB): 50,095.4
                      Pct Util: 100.0
                 Volume Status: Full
                        Access: Unavailable
        Pct. Reclaimable Space: 0.0
               Scratch Volume?: Yes
               In Error State?: No
      Number of Writable Sides: 1
       Number of Times Mounted: 50
             Write Pass Number: 1
     Approx. Date Last Written: 09/30/03 11:17:47 PM
        Approx. Date Last Read: 02/19/04 03:20:53 PM
           Date Became Pending:
        Number of Write Errors: 0
         Number of Read Errors: 0
               Volume Location:
Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
         Last Update Date/Time: 02/25/04 10:13:29 AM
q libvolume:
Library Name Volume Name Status Owner Last Use Home Element
------------ ----------- ---------- ---------- --------- ------------
AUTOLIB CDFD11 Private Data 265

Error messages when client access the tape:

ANR8312E Volume CDFD11 could not be located in library AUTOLIB.
ANR8358E Audit operation is required for library AUTOLIB.
ANR8381E DLT volume CDFD11 could not be mounted in drive DRIVE01
ANR1402W Mount request denied for volume CDFD11 - volume unavailable.
ANR1410W Access mode for volume CDFD11 now set to "unavailable".
ANR1420W Read access denied for volume CDFD11 - volume access mode =
ANR1420W Read access denied for volume CDFD11 - volume access mode =
ANR1420W Read access denied for volume CDFD11 - volume access mode =
ANR0836W No query restore processing session 468 for node WWW.CDFD.ORG.IN
and /FCRAID failed to retrieve file /RAID/cdfd/databases/HOM_PDB/13pka.pdb
- file
being skipped.

Geetha Thanu

---------REPLY TO-------------
Date:Wed Feb 25 13:42:01 CST 2004
FROM: Andrew Raibeck  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: restore data

Where do you see the "Scratch" status? From QUERY VOLUME results? If so,
this is normal, as it merely says that the volume was allocated by TSM
from an available set of scratch tapes, and will be returned to scratch
when the volume is empty. This is as opposed to being explicitly defined
to the storage pool by the TSM administrator, in which case the volume
remains in the storage pool even after it becomes empty. Scratch volumes
can be selected by more than one storage pool, while non-scratch volumes
are available only to the storage pool to which they were defined.

The fact that QUERY CONTENT or SELECT * FROM CONTENTS shows you
information does not mean that the data can actually be read. Those
commands display information stored in the database, and thus do not
actually confirm whether the data is actually readable.

It might help if you could post the full output from QUERY VOLUME
volumename F=D and QUERY LIBVOLUME volumename, plus all activity log
messages that are shown when the client tries to restore the file. This
will put the information in context.

Have you physically verified that the volume is actually available to TSM,
i.e. checked in to the library? What happens if you try to check the
volume out, then back in again?

And again, if you back up your storage pools to a copy storage pool --
hint, hint, *strongly* recommended -- then you can use the RESTORE VOLUME
command to restore the volume if all else fails. And if you are not
already backing up your storage pools, then you need to give serious
thought to implementing this feature in your environment.



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
"Good enough" is the enemy of excellence.

Geetha Thanu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
02/25/2004 11:35
Please respond to
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"


Re: restore data

Thanks for all who are helping me to solve my problems.
The problem with the select * command was as tols it is case sensitive.
when I gave CDFD, I can see the contents of the volume.
Evry thing is fine.
When I checked the volume is marked as scratch.
scratch volume? yes.
when I tried to change to private, using update libvolume command
it is saying updated but again scartch says yes.
May be this is the reason that when I restore data from it,
it is saying unavailabe.

Now how to change the status of the volume from scratch
to private.

Thanks once again

Geetha Thanu

---------REPLY TO-------------
Date:Tue Feb 24 21:14:09 CST 2004
FROM: Andrew Raibeck  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: restore data
Don't forget to put the volume name in upper case. SQL string comparisons
are case sensitive, and TSM stores tape volume names in upper case:

   select * from contents where volume_name='CDFD11'



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
"Good enough" is the enemy of excellence.

Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
02/24/2004 04:23
Please respond to
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"


Re: restore data

Hi Geetha,

Your command is not correct.Try this command ;

select * from contents where volume_name='cdfd11'


-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Geetha Thanu
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 2:08 AM
Subject: Re: restore data


The command I gave was

select * from the contents volume_name=cdfd11

Is it correct?
Its not taking the command.

The access mode is readonly.
It is very well present in the autolib (library), but if i try to
data from it is setting the mode as unaccessible.

Geetha Thanu

---------REPLY TO-------------
Date:Tue Feb 24 17:10:25 CST 2004
FROM: sujay dinakar  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: restore data

Check wether the database contains filenames for that

select * from contents where volume_name=[your volume

If it reports any files.

Check wether the use is locked or not

Change the Access mode to Readonly.


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