I'm trying to select tapes where has reclamation percentage and utilization percentage summ of less then 5. this is useful for reclamation as these tapes usless in library. My problem is my select return result after about 3-7minutes. Can anyone help to optimize this select or any tips how to better use inner select.
TSMserver version:5.1 Database size: 100GB hardware: RS/6000 H80 RAM:2GB SELECT="select volume_name,stgpool_name,pct_utilized,pct_utilized+pct_reclaim as summa from volumes where volume_name in (select volume_name from media where state like 'MOUNTABLEINLIB') and stgpool_name like 'BACK1_3590' and READ_ERRORS = 0 and WRITE_ERRORS = 0 and ERROR_STATE like 'No' and STATUS not like 'EMPTY' and ACCESS not like 'UNAVAILABLE' and pct_utilized+pct_reclaim < 5 order by pct_utilized"