You are missing something. PCT_Utilized is the use of tape with active data. Expire inventory and back up jobs will most likely have marked some part of the previous written data as expired, so this cause the pct_utilized to drop. Because tapes are sequential access storage media, these "holes" cannot be used untill the active data has been moved to a new tape (reclamation will do this for you) and the tape is returned to scratch. So the way to work with this is tuning your reclamation.
Regard, Karel -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Smith, Rachel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Verzonden: dinsdag 17 februari 2004 18:34 Aan: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Onderwerp: TSM scratch problem. Hi, In TSM it is changing the volume status of tapes to full, when they are only 50-70% percent utilized. This has caused a full library to run out of scratch tapes. Do you know if a parameter needs to be set to allow the library to use the volumes too 100%? Or Is there something I'm missing? Thanks.