Sessions and processes seem to be sinlge threading using a single drive
in a 4 drive library.
the dev is set to mountlimit=drive.
anyone know what else might cause this bottleneck?

As shown below, library with 4 drives only shows a mount waiting on a
volume when another is dismounting.

tsm: BACKUP>q mount
ANR8379I Mount point in device class 3494BTAPE is waiting for the
volume mount
to complete, status: WAITING FOR VOLUME.
ANR8331I 3590 volume 001038 is mounted R/W in drive 3590RMT4
ANR8334I         2 matches found.

             Device Class Name: 3494BTAPE
        Device Access Strategy: Sequential

            Storage Pool Count: 7
                   Device Type: 3590
                        Format: DRIVE
         Est/Max Capacity (MB): 40,960.0
                   Mount Limit: DRIVES
              Mount Wait (min): 60
         Mount Retention (min): 5
                  Label Prefix: ADSMVOL
                       Library: IBM3494B
                   Server Name:
                  Retry Period:
                Retry Interval:
Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
         Last Update Date/Time: 02/12/04   11:34:44

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