Hi TSMers, During scheduled backup few TSM clients are getting failed to take backup of NTUSER.DAT/LOG files with return code 12, How can I avoid this, Please kindly share your thoughts. TSM server, TSM clients 5.1.x and 5.2.x.
01/18/04 18:56:44 ANE4987E (Session: 332401, Node: NodeA) Error processing '\\NodeA\c$\Documents and Settings\SAPServ- iceIBS\NTUSER.DAT': the object is in use by another process 01/18/04 19:04:36 ANE4987E (Session: 332401, Node: NodeA) Error processing '\\NodeA\c$\Documents and Settings\SAPServ- iceIBS\ntuser.dat.LOG': the object is in use by another process Thanks, C.R.Chandrasekhar. Systems Analyst. Tivoli Certified Consultant (TSM). TIMKEN Engineering & Research - INDIA (P) Ltd., Bangalore. Phone No: 91-80-5536113 Ext:3032. Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ********************************************************************** PLEASE NOTE: The above email address has recently changed from a previous naming standard -- if this does not match your records, please update them to use this new name in future email addressed to this individual. This message and any attachments are intended for the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not forward, copy, print, use or disclose this communication to others; also please notify the sender by replying to this message, and then delete it from your system. The Timken Company **********************************************************************