On Fri, 16 Jan 2004, bab wrote:

> Hi,
> I am taking backup from tdp client of Oracle database,RMAN type should be 
> "sbt_tape"? is it possible to I can specify type DISK.I want backup should go to 
> diskpool and then data should migrate to tapepool.My copygroup- copy distination is 
> pointing diskp
ool,but at the time of backup,it is asking tape?

rman is Oracle utility. Its purpose is to provide backup of Oracle database. From 
Oracle point of view, it does not know about TSM. It thinks, it is backing up to tape 
because of "sbt_tape". To backup to tape, RMAN is using specific library with API to ba
ckup to tape. But in case of TSM (TDP) this library was changed to library which 
translate those API commands to commands for TDP.

I suppose, you should review your tsm configuration.

Nalevajko Tomas

homepage: www.dcs.fmph.uniba.sk/~nalevajk

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