And by the "message description" Richard means the built in help in TSM.
Even the client has it.  For my Win32 client, it's the online help
section 222:

ANS1330S  This node currently has a pending restartable restore session.
       The requested operation cannot complete until this session either
      completes or is canceled.

Explanation: This operation can not be completed because a restartable
restore session is pending. The operation is not allowed because the
restartable session and the current operation affect the same file

System Action: TSM ended the current operation.

User Response: Issue a query restore to see the conflict. Issue the
cancel restore command to delete any unneeded restartable restore

The TSM server, likewise, has the help for all the server generated
messages online.  What I like about that even more than the PDF manuals (as
another reply gave) is that the message is current as of your release - no
trying to decipher a 5.1 error message in a 4.2 manual (or a
message in a 5.1.5 manual).  And as long as your server is up, it's
available - so if I see an error in my actlog, I can look up the help
immediately, nothing else to find, open or search through.  TSM is still
one of the few products out there with a very comprehensive, and useful,
help function.

Nick Cassimatis

Think twice, type once.

|         |           Richard Sims     |
|         |           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     |
|         |           Sent by: "ADSM:  |
|         |           Dist Stor        |
|         |           Manager"         |
|         |           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|         |           .EDU>            |
|         |                            |
|         |                            |
|         |           01/08/2004 01:51 |
|         |           PM               |
|         |           Please respond to|
|         |           "ADSM: Dist Stor |
|         |           Manager"         |
|         |                            |
  |       To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                  
  |       cc:                                                                          
  |       Subject:  Re: Cancel session                                                 

> ANS1330S This node has a pending restartable restore session
> Question:
> - How do you determine if a node has a restartable session?
> - How do you cancel it is it doesn't appear on a 'q sess'

The message description fully explains this.

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