Thanks for the information Bill.
Do you register each Oracle database server to the TSM server or do you only register 
one name to the TSM server and use a different TDPO_FS name for each Oracle server 
and/or Oracle database? 
Dale Gieseke

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/13/03 05:17PM >>>

Using a different TDPO_FS option allows a better granularity of control.

If your databases are static and never going to change configuration, it may
be less important - I'm not sure.  But if you ever delete a database or move
it to another Oracle server, the seperate filespace name allows to you
manipulate within TSM more easily.

As a practice, I give each significant database it's own tdpo.opt file with
it's own TDPO_FS name.

Bill Smoldt
STORServer, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Dale Gieseke
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 2:57 PM
Subject: TDP for Oracle filespace questions

The TDP for Oracle V5.2 (UNIX) manual suggests using the TDPO_FS option to
assign a different filespace name to each database when you have several
databases on the same server.

What is the advantage of doing this?

Do users follow this suggestion, or do you let them default to "adsmorc"?

Dale Gieseke
TSM administrator
The Toro Company

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