On Thu, 6 Nov 2003 11:37:37 -0700
John Bremer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Greetings,
> TSM Server, AIX 5.1
> Mac OS X 10.2
> TSM Mac OS X client
> I'm trying to exclude the Macintosh HD domain and backup only one folder
> from the drive.  The GUI is not very cooperative in Edit Preferences.
> Documentation says :
> DOMAIN "-Macintosh HD:"
> in TSM User Preferences should exclude my Mac HD.  Then in TSM System
> Preferences, I want to include a certain folder.  However, I am having
> trouble getting the GUI to "choose" the folder and add an include
> statement to the System Preferences.
> Assuming the folder is "Documents", what would be the syntax?  Below?
> include "Macintosh HD:Documents:...:*"
> I can't get this to be added through the GUI, but can BBEDIT the
> Preferences files.

I guess using bbedit on the prefs file is sensible... the TSM clinet gui is
somewhat limitted wrt the possible selections of include-exclude rules....

> Any assistance is appreciated.
> Regards, John

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Remco Post

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