Hi all,

Is there a possibility to get the information about all the files of a
client in the TSM-DB as listing in a file.
I would like to have a list of files of one client with all the information
you can see, if you select files from a directory in the GUI (or Web-Client)
(Name / Size / changed / created / backedup / class ...).
With my sql-selects on TSM-database it takes a while to run over the
database, with the GUI it's just a click.

Thanks a lot

Chr. Pilgram

Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co.KG
IT Department
Christoph Pilgram                       Tel.  +49 7351 54 4051
Birkendorfer Str.65             Fax.  +49 7351 83 4051
88397 Biberach                  Email :

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