On Friday, Oct 17, 2003, at 17:29 Europe/Amsterdam, Cecily Hewlett

Please help me.

I am backing up 7 nodes, running TSM 5.1 on AIX 5.1 and AIX 4.3.3.
Total data backed up = +- 300 GB.
I am using an LTO3583 library, with 3 x 3580 drives, across a SAN.

Backup times are great, but TSM is being v. wasteful with tapes
using up to 7 tapes every night, some of them only have 0.7%

I am not using collocation, or a copy pool.
I tried to use a diskpool on my shark and then move the data to tape,
but , SANergy is not supported by IBM.

Does anyone have any suggestions.???

do you do reclamation? inventory expiration? 300GB/day seems like an awfull lot for just 7 nodes... do you do proper incrementals?

btw, copypools are a good idea, tapes do fail when you try to read them
(according to murphy...)

Cecily Hewlett

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Remco Post

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