> -----Original Message-----
> From: Salak Juraj [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, 14 October 2003 11:56 PM
> Subject: AW: Subfile backups (or Adaptive Copy)
> I tested it on couple of file servers, it worked like  a breeze,
> but at the last I was definitely limited by it�s limits 
> (grr, my wording in not worth to loose a word about)
> namely subfile cache area - which is 1 GB as far as I can remember,
> anyway, far too small to keep all delta files dictated by my 
> file servers in
> question.
> I ended in purchasing extra bandwidth and performing "regular" forever
> incremental.
> I still have got a very small client location where subfile backup 
> simply works and works - no troubles at all so far.
> Another point to watch is that regulary, 
> I believe after each 32 subsequent subfile backups, 
> full file size will be transfered once again.
> regards
> juraj salak
I've just attended the TSM Implementation course.
The number of deltas was quoted to be only 20.
Can this number be modified?

I intend to use adaptive backup to backup 
user data on the flock of PCs and Apples.
The users may use either dial-up lines or LAN.

Is there a method for checking beforehand 
whether the current backup session is going
to be a base or a meta backup?
This info would be used to prevent - or at least 
warn the user to not to use diap-up lines for 
huge backup sessions.  

With regards,
Mr Krzysztof Wozniak        ,-_|\      E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Edith Cowan University     /     \      Phone: 61-8-9273 8026
Churchlands WA, 6018       $_,-._/        Fax: 61-8-9273 8000
Australia                       o

> -----Urspr�ngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Rowan O'Donoghue [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 14. Oktober 2003 17:31
> Betreff: Subfile backups (or Adaptive Copy)
> All,
> Have a customer looking at subfile backups for two webservers 
> which are
> hosted at a remote hosting facility and connected via a WAN.
> We are looking at using subfile backups to enable these servers to
> participate within the TSM hierarchy, but I want to get a feel of
> real-world-experiences from people who are actually using it 
> in production
> at the moment.
> What have been your main issues? (apart from the obvious 
> being expanded
> TSM processing time on the client, and slow restores).
> Also, how have you sized the subfile cache area? Was there a 
> rule of thumb
> for this sizing?
> thanks!
> Rowan.

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