"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 10/13/2003
09:44:48 AM:
> TSM Server ( AIX)
> TSM Client (W2K cluster)
> Cluster node a - Has drive f$
> Cluster node b - Has drive g$
> To apply patches to the systems, nodea f$ is failed to node b, patches
> applied to nodea and rebooted, f$ and g$ are failed to node a, Node b
> gets patch and rebooted then g$ is failed back to node b.
> At this point, backups can not be performed on either f$ or g$, only the
> level directories are backed up and no failures are indicated in the
> log or the TSM server activity log.

Only top level directories are backed up on f: and g:?  How do you know

> Each node has a scheduler, If I restart the schedulers the scheduled
> run fine at next schedule.

What schedmode are you using?  Is your scheduler service defined in cluster

What if you do a failover without doing the patches part, does the same
thing happen?

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