
1. I know have to make the query from an Intel-platform via TSM ODBC driver into a 
spreadsheet or access/SQL db.
2. But if I choose this solution I have to transfer the data to the z/OS-platform eg. 
via MQ in a format define be the z/OS personal. I had hope to jump this step over, but 
unfortunately it seem to be impossible.
3. What does the rumor say - when can we expect a real DB2 ;-)

Best regards

- Michael

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Richard Sims [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 13. oktober 2003 17:42
Emne: Re: Query from z/OS-platform to intel-platform

>> I need to make a query from our z/OS-platform to a TSM Server on  Intel
>> platform.
>> "Normaly" from a DB2 z/OS you can make a DRDA-connection to a DB2 UDB
>> database on a Windows-platformen, if DB2 UDB on Windows-platform content
>> Connect-product (ex DB2 UDB EEE V7). Can TSM-/DB2-database answer a
>> DRDA-request from DB2 z/OS, or do I need a specific driver on
>> z/OS-platformen.
>> Maybe someone have a workaround "script or ....."
>> Thanks in advance
>> - Michael
>TSM is just a DB2-like database, eg. it is not really db2 (yet).
>To do database queries you can:
>1- use select on the dsmadmc commandline like 'select * from syscat.columns'
>or 'select * from tables'
>2- use an odbc connector, unfortunately, I've never done that so I don't
>know how....

The TSM database is B-tree rather than DB2: it has some SQL accommodations.
See Appendix A of the Technical Guide redbook for an excellent summary of
what you can do in terms of Select statements and ODBC access.

  Richard Sims

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