>my daily backup storagepool works fine since yesterday. The process
>started with a central script. All storage pools are copied fine during a
>few minutes. But the last of them, TAPE_BACKUP_001, probably the biggest
>will not finish for more then 20 hours. I queried the process severalt
>times, but there is no change in the current physical File bytes. So I
>tried to canel the process. The command was accepted, but the process
>doesn't stop.

Sounds like the classic situation of an OS process/thread hung on I/O.
In such cases the best course is to investigate the apparent issue with
the drives or network or intermediate agents, as whatever bit you this
time will do so again unless it's identified and resolved.  Restarting
the TSM server should get rid of the hang, but the gremlin will still
be out there.  (In abrupt terminations, check to assure that the drive
returns to a usable state and that the involved volumes are returned
to a physical location and logical state will allows them to be used
again.  I think you're finding how much less solid a SAN connection is
than is traditional physical attachment, which is to say more to go
wrong and more difficulty in identifying the cause.

  Richard Sims   http://people.bu.edu/rbs

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