There was a major bug in Aix 5.1 64 bit mode tcp that caused major
slowdowns in backups.  It was apar IY36925 fixed in  The receive buffer problem occurred with that fix already in

David Ehresman

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/2/2003 12:27:02 PM >>>
On Thu, 2 Oct 2003 09:56:38 -0400
David E Ehresman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Now this makes some bells ring over here. IIRC there was some bug in
the AIX
5.1 TCP code, which in particular would shouw on TSM servers. I don't
what it was any more, nor what the fix is (It was just smalltalk with
engeneer once). You might want to check the APAR DB....

> I had that problem and it was a aix tcp tuning issue.  Do a
>    netstat -v ent1 | grep "Receive Pool Buffer"
> where ent1 is the adaptor that your tsm traffic runs on.  If your
> Receive Pool Buffer Errors:" line is greater than zero you have the
> problem I had.  We raised our receive pool buffer size up to 2048
> that fixed our problem.
> The ethernet adaptor has to be down to change the setting.  The
> is:
>   chdev -l ent"x" -a rxbuf_pool_size=2048
> where x is the adaptor name.
> David Ehresman
> University of Louisville
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/1/2003 8:21:01 PM >>>
> All,
> I am running TSM  on AIX 5.1ML3.  In the last few weeks it's
> started exhibiting a rather strange problem where the scheduler
> not to contact the clients to start the backup schedule.
> Halting TSM and restarting it seems to fix it for a few days and
> it will start again.
> Checking the actlog, I stop seeing 'Schedule prompter contacting...'
> messages.  And, of course, the following day I see a whole stack of
> 'Missed' backups.  Sometimes the prompter may contact one or two (out
> about 100) systems before stopping altogether.  We have 100 Nodes -
> Unix (Solaris/Linux/AIX) and 50 NT/2000 systems.  All are running
> file-based backups.   We also have a single Notes server (NT) that's
> backed up using TDP.  All are in prompted mode.
> I haven't been able to find any error messages in the TSM log.  Just
> absence of prompter messages like I said before.
> Can anyone help?
> Mark
> --
> Mark Ferraretto
> Unix Systems Administrator
> Deutsche Bank Hong Kong
> w: +852 2203 6362        m: +852 9558 8032        f: +852 2203 6971
> --
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Remco Post

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