It ought to be easy - set the scheduler to run under user ID of the DB2 instance owner (or a designated user, able to perform all the backups iteractively)! This is not a TSM issue but DB2 security "issue". DB2 protects the data from unauthorized access as every good product ought to. You are not able to log on as Windows "SYSTEM" account and cannot "recreate" the problem iteractively.
Zlatko Krastev IT Consultant Jeff White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 23.09.2003 17:40 Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: Subject: Backup Of UDB7 Databases Hello, Perhaps someone could help here... TSM Server is TSM Client is on Windows NT UDB7 installed I have a UDB7 database on a Windows NT server. I have performed all of the actions required to backup the database and have backed it up several times from either the UDB7 Control Centre or via a batch file that executes UDB7 commands. I backup the database to TSM My batch file looks like this: CD\ CD SQLLIB\BIN START /B DB2CMD DB2 BACKUP DATABASE database-name ONLINE USE TSM I want to back this up via a TSM schedule using the command option. I point the client schedule to the location of the batch file that contains the above command. I have a scheduled service on the NT box, pointing to the correct options file. I have the options file set to prompted and the schedule runs fine, except that i see a DB2 Command Line Client screen with message 'SQL0567N "SYSTEM" IS NOT A VALID AUTHORIZATION ID - SQLSTATE=42602' All of our TSM scheduled services use the SYSTEM account, including our many TDP agents and all are fine. I have the documentation 'Backing Up DB2 Using Tivoli Storage Manager' and it refers specifically to UNIX and WINDOWS 2000. There is no specific reference to NT - is it fully supported on Windows NT clients? I am aware that there is a scheduling function within UDB7 Control Centre and that this would schedule the backup for me. But my preference is via TSM schedule because it gives me a greater degree of control Thanks Jeff White Senior Systems Programmer CIS [EMAIL PROTECTED] ************************************************************************* This e-mail may contain confidential information or be privileged. It is intended to be read and used only by the named recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient(s) please notify us immediately so that we can make arrangements for its return: you should not disclose the contents of this e-mail to any other person, or take any copies. Unless stated otherwise by an authorised individual, nothing contained in this e-mail is intended to create binding legal obligations between us and opinions expressed are those of the individual author. The CIS marketing group, which is regulated for Investment Business by the Financial Services Authority, includes: Co-operative Insurance Society Limited Registered in England number 3615R - for life assurance and pensions CIS Unit Managers Limited Registered in England and Wales number 2369965 - for unit trusts and PEPs CIS Policyholder Services Limited Registered in England and Wales number 3390839 - for ISAs and investment products bearing the CIS name Registered offices: Miller Street, Manchester M60 0AL Telephone 0161-832-8686 Internet E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] CIS Deposit and Instant Access Savings Accounts are held with The Co-operative Bank p.l.c., registered in England and Wales number 990937, P.O. Box 101, 1 Balloon Street, Manchester M60 4EP, and administered by CIS Policyholder Services Limited as agent of the Bank. CIS is a member of the General Insurance Standards Council CIS & the CIS logo (R) Co-operative Insurance Society Limited ********************************************************************************