Hi guys and girls,

I have just been busy implementing NDMP for a NetApp filer under TSM last week. The Module runs just fine including file level restore
capabilities. However, two questions popped up in my mind that do not get
answered in the relevant redbooks so maybe you on the list can help me with
1. For the backup copy group running NDMP backups you can set all the
normal version and retension parameters, but NDMP backups still use the
conventional approach of doing fulls and differentials. What will TSM
actually consider as a version (verexist) since a differential will prove
to be quite useless if there is no related full?

2. Is there any way to actually delete data on the backup image level from
TSM storage? I understand you can always delete the full filespace of a
client node. Next time you do a NDMP backup the filespace gets recreated
with a new ID (!) but I was not able to figure out if there is a trick to
delete lets say just one particular differential backup image.

Thanks for helping with this issue


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