Find below the usage of mtlib:

Usage: mtlib -[acdfiklmnqstvCDV?]
Arguments: -f[filename]   device special Filename, i.e. "/dev/rmt0".
           -x[number]     device number, i.e. "518350".
           -l[filename]   Library special filename, i.e. "/dev/lmcp0".
           -q[type]       Query library information option.
                          type should be one of the following:
                               V  Volume data.
                               L  Library data.
                               S  Statistical data.
                               I  Inventory data.
                               C  Category inventory data.
                               D  Device data.
                               E  Expanded volume data.
                               K  inventory volume count data.
                               R  Reserved Category List
                               A  Category Attribute List
                               M  All Mounted Volumes
           -m             Mount option.
           -d             Demount option.
           -D             List of devices in library.
           -E             Used with -D option for expanded device list
           -c[request id] Cancel pending request option.
           -n             No wait mode.
           -i[request id] Query request id status option.
           -C             Change the category of a volume.
           -a             Audit the specifed volume.
           -k[flags]      Assign a category to a device in the Library.
                          flags should be the following:
                               O  Enable Category Order
                               C  Clear out ICL
                               G  Generate First Mount
                               A  Enable Auto Mount
                               X  Remove category assignment from drive
                               Valid combinations: OG, OA, GA, OGA
                          Loader associated with the Library.
           -r             Reserve a category
           -R             Release a category
           -S             Set category attribute
           -s[category]   Source or starting category.
           -t[category]   Target category.
           -L[list]       List of Volume serial numbers
           -V[volser]     Volume serial number
           -N[name]       Category Name Attribute to assign to category.
           -h[hostid]     host id for reserve/release category
                          or R/A option for query command
           -u             Include usage date in expanded volume data.
                          Default is ISO format with period separator.
           -F[flags]      Format and/or separator for volume usage date
                          flags can be:
                               I  ISO/Japan
                               E  European
                               U  USA mm.dd.yyyy
                               p  period separator mm.dd.yyyy
                               d  dash separator mm-dd-yyyy
                               s  slash separator mm/dd/yyyy
           -v             Verbose.
           -#[number]     Category sequence number or number of
                          categories to reserve.
           -A             Query library addresses and status
           -?             this help text.

NOTE:   The  -l argument is required.

Assistant System Specialist
Information Services

                      "Large, Matthew"                                                 
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]       To:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  
                      B.CO.UK>                      cc:                                
                      Sent by: "ADSM: Dist          bcc:                               
                      Stor Manager"                 Subject:   mtlib - how many 
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                              
                      04/09/2003 12:07 μμ                                              
                      Please respond to                                                
                      "ADSM: Dist Stor                                                 


I've been digging around trying to find a command that will tell me how
D12's we've got attached to the library, with little success. Am I
for something which does not exist?


Matthew Large
TSM Infrastructure Engineer
Lavington Street
Int: 7430 4995
Ext: +44 207 902 4995


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