I'd like to query this forum about the usability of TSM's include-exclude
list to determine how we might improve upon this feature of the product.

1. What do you like about TSM's include-exclude functionality?  What are
some problems/difficulties you have run into using the TSM include-exclude
2. How are you using include-exclude lists?  Do you set client option sets
on the TSM Server for your clients?  Do you let users create
include-exclude lists on the TSM Client?  Or do you allow a combination of
both?  What are the reasons for your strategy?
3.  Includes/excludes set up on the TSM Server via client options sets take
precedence over include/excludes set in the client's options file.  If you
set the include-exclude list via the TSM Server, do you want your TSM
Clients to be able to add their own includes/excludes at all?
4. TSM's include-exclude functionality also allows you to bind management
classes, indicate files to encrypt/compress, set options for image backup,
among others.  How do you use these options in your include-exclude list?
5. How do you create your include-exclude lists?  Do you ever use the TSM
Client GUI preferences editor to set up your include-exclude list, and if
so, what do you think of it?
6.  If you had a wizard on the TSM Client to help you set up your
include-exclude strategy, would it help?  If so, what would you like it to
7.  Do you need to know and can you easily tell which objects are excluded
using the TSM Client GUI?  Would more information be helpful?
8.  Do you have a strategy for binding files to management classes?  How
usable is TSM as far as helping you do that?

To avoid cluttering up this forum, you may send responses to

Thanks in advance,
Lori Simcox
TSM Client Development

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