>I searched the archives but couldn't find the answer I'm looking for, >neither in the manuals. > >AIX 5.1, TSM-server >W2K, TSM-client > >During an incremental back-up the following stats where displayed after >giving a 'q sess' ... >What is send to the server that the column 'Bytes Sent' displays 220.0 MB >(MegaByte)? > >I know I read it before, but I can't remember.
It's in the Admin Ref manual, under Query SEsssions. It's a number relative to the observation point (the server), meaning amount of data sent to the client. A substantial number would represent information about a large number of Active files, for the client to massage and use as a reference in going through the file system(s) seeking files to back up to the server. Windows file attributes are "richer" than those of more basic file systems such as Unix. Richard Sims, BU