I still use it also and would be lost without it.  It is much easier to look
at things.  I hate the web one.

Phillip Ford
Senior Software Specialist
Corporate Computer Center
Schering-Plough Corp.
(901) 320-4462
(901) 320-4856 FAX

-----Original Message-----
From: Loon, E.J. van - SPLXM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 8:18 AM
Subject: Re: q vol f=g ??!?

Hi Christo!
Yep! I'm still using the 3.1.08 Admin GUI. I still like it a WHOLE LOT
better than that hideous web admin interface. I'm also experiencing that
same hang when clicking on the storagepool icon. I guess TSM returns some
data which the Admin GUI can't handle. I submitted the requirement to our
Tivoli Sales Rep and other channels for a real admin GUI some time ago, but
I guess there are not enough people to support my requirement. I can imagine
that IBM doesn't want to continue developing an admin GUI which only runs on
Wintel, so what I think IBM should make is a port of the old Admin GUI to
Java. I really miss the options like sort and proper filtering in the web
admin. Kindest regards, Eric van Loon KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

-----Original Message-----
From: Christo Heuer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 14:57
Subject: Re: q vol f=g ??!?

Hi Sascha,

You have two (3) options when doing commands to TSM. Without the f=d, you
get normal about, with it you get detailed info - (f=d). The 3rd option is
format=gui. In the old days of ADSM there was a GUI that worked/works a
whole lot better than the WEB Gui. When this interface sends commands to TSM
it sends it with the format=GUI - and interprests the output to be displayed
for the GUI.

Just BTW - are any of you guys still using the GUI?
I've got 4.2.6/5.1.5/5.1.6 TSM servers and the GUI still works fine - only
where it gets to listing storage pools it stopped working after we upgraded
to 5.1.5.

Anyhow - the f=g is used by the old GUI.


> Hi to all the *SMers out there !
> I just stumbled over the output of "q vol f=g", actually is was a
> typo, I got no error Message but an output:
> -------------
> Volume Name: FRE660L1
> Storage Pool Name: LTOPOOL
> Device Class Name: LTOCLASS
> Estimated Capacity (MB): 130,177.5
> Pct Util: 20.1
> Volume Status: Full
> Volume Status (GUI): 2
> Access: Read/Write
> Access (GUI): 0
> Pct. Reclaimable Space: 79.9
> Scratch Volume?: Yes
> Scratch Volume? (GUI): 1
> In Error State?: No
> In Error State? (GUI): 0
> Number of Writable Sides: 1
> Number of Times Mounted: 76
> Write Pass Number: 1
> Approx. Date Last Written: 08/10/2003 05:50:42
> Approx. Date Last Read: 08/22/2003 13:52:56
> Date Became Pending:
> Number of Write Errors: 0
> Number of Read Errors: 0
> Volume Location:
> Last Update by (administrator):
> Last Update Date/Time: 08/05/2003 17:29:55
> ---------
> Does anyone know what these "(GUI)"-outputs mean ? Or what they are
> good
> ?
> <command> f=g does also work with "q ses" and produces similar outputs
> containing this (GUI)-stuff. I didn't try any other commands yet.
> Server is TSM running under Windows2000AdvSrv.
> Greetings,
> Sascha Askani

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