Try using nametype=uni or specifying the fsid number for the filespace and use nametype=fsid.
David >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 8/20/2003 8:02:30 AM >>> Hello! I have a quick question about when an individual gets rid of an old PC and gets a new one to backup to TSM. The one I am dealing with is lemkeldepc. The new and old node name is the same. What they want me to do is delete all of the filespace info. from the new PC, \\m50338543\c$ and rename the old filespace, \\m50306110\c$ to the new filespace name. Now, when I go to delete the new filespace it tells me that no such filespace exists, but when I query occupancy and query filespace, it does in fact exist. Does anyone have any suggestions about what might be occurring here? Thanks in advance! Joni Moyer Systems Programmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] (717)975-8338