we have a tsm server on aix  4.3.
Every day we run a sql query with the following statement
select ENTITY as Node_Name, ACTIVITY, BYTES as Bytes_Transferred,
START_TIME, END_TIME, IDLE as Idle_in_Sec, MEDIAW as meddia_wait_in_sec,
summary where start_time>timestamp(current date -1 day, '12:20:00' )and

Resulting in an overview of the transferred bytes per day per node.
(clients, db backup, migrations, stgp backup)
This has been running since about 6 months without any problem but since
last sunday a weird thing is happening. The result from the query now
only shows migrations, db backup and storagepool backup. The client
nodes itself have gone from the result.
Since the script didn't change, the clients nodes are still backing up
as normally. I suspect  that a value the clients generate after
finishing a backup  is not written to the db anymore. Then when the sql
scripts runs it doesn't get the clients in the result because this valua
is not there.

things i have tried so far:
Checked if the clients are backing up properly, they are. ( in the act
log then it is), all other things run fine as well, like space recl,
stgp backup etc etc. We also run a script that only looks how long a
client has been backing up, is also still working correct and listing
the client nodes as ussual.
Checked if someone  changed something on the day it started, nothing has
changed on the tsm side of things.
When i run the sql statement over a longer period also covering a day or
2 before things went funny the clients show up in this period until
things went funny (till 11pm that day), so the sql statement appears to
be ok.
Taking away the bytes>0 , no luck. (accept i could see the tapemounts
now as well.)

I'm a bit low on idea's now so if someone has any hints where to look
for it would be great.


Otto Schakenbos

TEL: +49-7151/502 8468
FAX: +49-7151/502 8489
MOBILE: +49-172/7102715

TFX IT-Service AG
Fronackerstrasse 33-35
71332 Waiblingen

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