
Assuming it are LANFree backups, via how many HBA's are you accessing your
drives (and disks)?
I think the HBA and or the SAN-switch will be the bottleneck (if you have
1Gbit/sec adapters/ports).
Let's say you will reach 80 MB/s via 1 HBA, that's 288.000 MB/h
1700000/288000 = 6 hours if you use 1 HBA to your drives and many tapedrives

This assumes that you have a seperate HBA for disk and that there is hardly
any other traffic on that part of the SAN.

If you can reach each individual drive (or each 2) via different fabrics,
things change.
Then one can easily calculate the amount of drives from the specifications
of the drive.
Let's say these drives can reach 30MB/s. Then one needs at least 4 drives to
finish in 4 hours.

We reach our 3590 drives via different fabrics and get with 2 drives a
throughput of 250 GB/hour for our SAP-backups (AIX).

Maybe you should have a look at flashcopy and/or "TDP for ESS for SAP/R3".

Regards Jeroen

-----Original Message-----
From: Juan Jose Reale [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: donderdag 14 augustus 2003 15:52
Subject: How many drives are you using when you are running TDP for R/3
and backing up SAP Database? Urgent!
Importance: High

  Hi everybody!

        We are going to purchase a LTO Ultrium Ultrascalable tape library
3584 model L32,  but  I don't know  yet how many drives we need for running
TDP for R/3 (Oracle) on IBM 6M1 RS/600 in under 4 hours.
        There are 8 CPU's (750 Mhz) with memoria real = 10 GB.  The SAP
database's size is about 1.700 GB  or  1,7 TB.   The TSM Server are
running on IBM MB80 RS/600. The TSM server is on the separate physical
server from SAP database.
        We are using disks SHARK IBM.

        So, please tell me how many drives recommend to allocate in Library
3584 in order to take a SAP database backup in under 4 hours.

        Thanks in advanced.
        Juan R.

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