Hi, Is anyone aware of a method or solution to configure an ADIC Scalar 1000 with IBM LTO tape drives on AIX? I understand that Tivoli either uses the TSM device driver for non-IBM devices and Atape on AIX for IBM devices. What does one do when you have a mis-match of device types and the TSM device driver claims the Scalar 1000 medium changer and the Atape device driver claims the IBM LTO tape drives. Typically the TSM device driver defines changers with the "lbx" definition and tape drives with the "mtx" definitions. Atape for IBM devices uses the "smcx" and "rmtx" definitions. Is it possible to mix definitions, i.e. "lbx" and "rmtx"? I am able to define the library and tape drives in this manner but the label process fails with the changer unable to return the labeled cartridge to the proper storage location. TSM version is 4.2.0.