I saw this posting, but I did not see a reply. SteveC, did you ever receive a reply? Do you have any tips regarding move nodedata or other ways to reduce the # of offsite tapes. We do not have enough tape head time avaiable to keep up with offsite reclaims. All of our tapes are 3590, but I need to migrate them to LTO. ========================================================= I have a couple of issues.
I did a move nodedata from one onsite sequential storagepool to another. Result: # of onsite tapes containing that node went from 157 to 3. Backup new storagepool to new copypool ( got to keep > 2 copies just in case ). The copypool uses 3 tapes as well. DR recovery will be a doddle now. Good so far, but we still have 200 tapes on the old copypool. Now to clean up the old copypool Backup old storage pool to old copypool should get rid of old data right, nothing happens. Expire inventory and still nothing happens. How do I get rid of the copypool content for that node......??? Is there an easier way than this of reducing the # of OFFSITE tapes that a node occupies. Cheers SteveC ======================================================== Thanks in advance. Debbie