Sounds good to me also.

Anthony A. Garrison Jr.
Sr. Systems Programmer
(210 456-5755

 -----Original Message-----
From:   Chuck Mattern [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent:   Monday, June 23, 2003 11:34 AM
Subject:        Re: Work arounds for files deleted in flight?


This sounds great.  We would need full path names to evaluate the
consequences of the event.  Is something like this already floating around?

Chuck Mattern
The Home Depot
Phone: 770-433-8211 x11919
Pager: 770-201-1626

                      "Mr. Lindsay
                      Morris"                  To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        cc:
            >                 Subject:  Re: Work arounds for files 
deleted in flight?
                      Sent by: "ADSM:
                      Dist Stor
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      06/23/2003 09:22
                      Please respond to

Chuck, would a missed-files report that grouped them by reason-missed help
        Files Missed for Nodexxx
Not found:              562
Changing:               2
Locked:         132

Then of course you'd want to be able to click each line, and drill down
to see the actual file names.  If you did that, do you think you'd want
to see (for the Locked list ,say) all 132 files, or just the file NAMES
that differ - that is, cut off the directory part?

Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect
512-482-6138 ext 105

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
> Chuck Mattern
> Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 7:55 AM
> Subject: Work arounds for files deleted in flight?
> Ever since we transitioned from adsm v3 to adsm v4 we have encountered an
> extremely high "failure rate".  Essentially when adsm went from backing
> Unix filesystems like tar (see a file; get a file) to doing ti like dump
> (build a list of files; go back and backup the list) we began
> taking what I
> do not consider true failures.  Since we do not have the ability
> to quiesce
> our systems for backup many files that adsm identifies as backup
> candidates
> are deleted before they can be backed.  To avoid wasting many hours of
> engineer time logging into several hundred servers to investigate
> this I am
> writing a Perl utility to parse the logs, totalling the "file not found"
> failures and only reporting a failure back to us if there are more errors
> than the total number of "file not found" errors.  I took the
> issue up with
> ADSM support and essentially got "that's the way it is now, sorry"  Is
> anyone else having problem like this and if so can you offer any better
> solutions than the one I am working on?
> Thanks,
> Chuck

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