For my academic brethren and sistren only. All responses privately. Not
limited to US institutions.
We are in the process of reassessing our ITSM organization and looking to
how to expand our services. How others do things will be of help to our
1. How many clients? I have about 2400, 2200 active.
2. How much stored? I have about 65 Tb on line. (Sorry Paul, I
made any arithmetic error.)
3. How many servers, and what type? I have 2 AIX SP2 nodes, both in
need of upgrade.
4. How many tape drives? I have 8 shared in a 3494 library.
5. Do you have a centralized organization? With how many
domains? We have a central organization with many branches, many
independent IT departments, and a number of autonomous operations. I
have more than 30 domains, each with an independent admin with "policy"
6. If you are not a central organization, do you have a recommended
retention policy? I have recommended 5/2/30/60, some prefer 4/1, some others.
7. Do you allow archiving? for longterm? We now restrict on a
grandfathered basis, but it's a major headache.
8. Do you backup desktops? data only? We backup desktops, laptops,
labtops, servers, etc. Attempts to restrict desktops to backup data only
have met with limited success.
9. Do you charge? We've talked about, and plan to do it, maybe
after we've finished our discussions.
If you can think of anything I've overlooked, add it.