"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 06/19/2003
12:18:16 PM:

> According to the TSM docs, i installed and configured TSM client in each
> cluster node, then i created a dsm.opt file on each physical disk owned
> by each clustergroup.
> In the dsm.opt I set the option httpport 1511 and http1512 for each
> clustergroup, but I can`t access via http to my clients (clustergroups).
> Do I need to setup the httpports? How should I configure the web client
> ?
> Carlos Bravo Arredondo
> Calzada de Tlalpan 3016, Col. Espartaco, Mexico, D.F.
> Tel. 51741924

These are the options I have in every cluster, that are different from a
normal client:
tcpclientaddress <ip of the cluster group>
nodename <name of the cluster group>
clusternode yes
httpport <unique, I typically do 1581, 1582, 1583, etc.>
tcpclientport <unique, I typically do 1502, 1503, 1504, etc.>

You also need to use dsmcutil.exe to setup the services for each cluster
group (follow the docs), typically:
TSM Scheduler
TSM Remote Client Agent

Once that is done on each node, then you create and start the required
services as generic services within cluster administrator.

Then both the scheduler and the web client should work, assuming your
options files were setup correctly and you installed the services
correctly.  Make sure you use the right port number in your web browser
when connecting.

John Monahan
Senior Consultant Enterprise Solutions
Computech Resources, Inc.
Office: 952-833-0930 ext 109
Cell: 952-221-6938

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