Hi all, the follow is the output of "q vol"and "q stg":
TSM>q vol
Volume Name Storage Pool Name Device Class Name Estimated Capacity(MB) Pct Util Volume 
--------------- --------------------- ------------------- -------------------- ----- 
/usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/spcmgmt.dsm SPACEMGPOOL DISK 8.0 0.0 On-Line
/usr/tivoli/tsm/tsmdata/arcvol.dsm ARCHIVEPOOL DISK 512.0 0.0 On-Line
/usr/tivoli/tsm/tsmdata /bkvol.dsm BACKUPPOOL DISK 2,047.0 0.0 On-Line
TAPE01 3570POOL 3570C11 22,030.4 97.9 Filling
TAPE02 3570POOL 3570C11 0.0 0.0 Empty

TSM>q stg 3570pool f=d
Sequential Access Storage Pools : 3570POOL
Storage Pool Name : 3570POOL
Storage Pool Type : PRIMARY
Device Class Name : 3570C11
Estimated Capacity (MB): 462638.5
Pct Util : 4.6
Pct Migr : 4.7

>From the output,the tape01 has a estimated capacity of 22,030.4MB,and the 3570pool 
>has a estimated capacity of 462638.5MB,what the matter?I have only 10 3570 tapes,why?

BTW,the the estimated capacity for sequential volumes is the total capacity of the 
pool not the capacity of the single volume,is this right?

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