This is a great job! but what I need is a little bit different. I want to share my LTO 3584 with 2 AIX TSM servers. One of them is and the other is
Please, let me know any configuration possible in this scenario. TIA. Sergio Vázquez Vegas Administración TSM *: 104688 *: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----Mensaje original----- De: Mark Ferraretto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Enviado el: miércoles, 18 de junio de 2003 3:21 Para: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Asunto: Re: TAPE LIBRARY SHARING Hi, There are two ways. You can set up a shared tape library. I haven't done this but I know you can. I've heard it's troublesome though. Or you can set up virtual volumes. We have 2 TSM instances running on the same AIX server here - one for archives and one for backups. We use server-server communications, configuration manager and virtual volumes. I chose virtual volumes over shared library because I wanted to consolidate the storage (especially the disk pool) and I wanted to simplify tape management. Anyway, Check out Ch 20 in the TSM Administrator's guide. It has a good explanation on server to server setup and VV's. Also, I've pasted some notes I made when I was setting up our second instance here. Hope they make sense. Let me know if they don't. Mark **************************************************************************** Can distribute this with profiles * administrators + authorities * policy objects * admin command schedules * scripts * clopts * server definitions * server groups What it doesn't include: * associations * DRM stuff admin comm sch's need to be turned on after being copied across will probably need to reactivate the policy too Create a profile to distribute everything: def profile DB def profileassociation admins=* adsch=* scr=* do=* clo=* Need to re-run this regularly to capture updates to objects delete the standard policy domain could use set configrefresh to update profiles but we'll live with the default of 60 minutes on tsmsb1 * create a new server policy domain def dom server def pol server server def mgmt server server1 Y1 def copy server server1 Y1 t=a retver=370 dest=D1 assign defmgmtclass server server1 y1 activate pol server server1 notify subscribers * register sm041a as a server node register node sm041a lacla52 domain=server type=server on sm041a * define devclass (server is already defined - see figure 69 p438 def devclass server devtype=server servername=hkgintsmsb1 maxcap=5g Now just user the server devclass when doing backups and stuff. eg: ba db devcl=server (database was backed up to d1!) looks like db backup is backed up as archive to D1 -> C1. I wonder when it will expire? * define a storage pool to point to the server def stg d1 server maxscratch=99999 reclaim=100 (we will have to do reclamation for this stgpool also) If we are strict about keeping info on tsmsb1 we may be able to use export server which exports everything including node info. We can also use this to move archive info to sm041a export server filed=ar tos=sm041a previewi=yes merge=yes replacedefs=no Or I can just export nodes export node * filed=ar tos=sm041a merge=yes previewi=yes (this exports archive data also) this exports just the node data: export node * tos=sm041a export nodes never works. I need to define a D1 stg pool on sm041a - I think because it's the destination of the backups/archives for that node. Maybe I can use D1 instead of SERVER as a stg pool. Then I can use the existing Y1 archive MC. Yup. Looks like this will work OK. * register node sm041a lacla52 domain= At the client * need to add sm041a to the dsm.sys file * need to run dsmc -se=sm041a set password * Then we either run 2 x dsmc schedule processes (-se=hkgintsmsb1 and -se=sm041a) or we don't bother with the archive scheudle and initiate archives from the clients. We have to do this for unix anyway and KP is looking to this for NT. Then, that means the only mod will be to dsm.sys Installation Notes This describes how I set up the 2nd server on hkgintsmsb1. The 2nd server is called sm041a First, create the server itself: * mkdir /tsmdb/sm041a - all the databases and config files for the server will go here * cp /usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsmserv.opt /tsmdb/sm041a * edit dsmserv.opt and make these changes: VOLUMEHistory /tsmdb/sm041a/volume_history DEVCONFig /tsmdb/sm041a/devconfig TCPPort 11500 HTTPPort 11580 SHMPort 11510 * edit /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys and add an entry for the new server: ServerName sm041a TCPPort 11500 TCPServerAddress hkgintsmsb1 TCPWindowSize 32 TCPBuffSize 32 NodeName hkgintsmsb1 PasswordAccess Generate * create the database and log volumes (we're only creating a 300MB vol in this example) cd /tsmdb/sm041a dsmfmt -db db1 300 dmsfmt -log log1 30 dsmserv format 1 log1 1 db1 * set up web access dsmserv runfile /usr/tivoli/tsm/server/webimages/dsmserv.idl * start the server in normal mode and define an admin user dsmserv register admin ferrarm blabla grant authority ferrarm cl=system * start the server in quiet mode dsmserv quiet * log in from a terminal and clean up dsmadmc -se=sm041a del dom standard del stg archivepool del stg backuppool del stg spacemgpool reg lic file=/usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/domino.lic n=100 reg lic file=/usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/drm.lic reg lic file=/usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/mgsyslan.lic n=200 Set up the Multiple server definitions * on tsmsb1 set serverpassword lacla52 set serverhladdress set serverlladdress 1500 * on sm041a set servername sm041a set serverhladdress set serverlladdress 11500 set crossdefine on * on tsmsb1 define server sm041a crossdefine=yes serverpassword=lacla52 hladdress= lladdress=11500 Set up Configuration Management * hkgintsmsb1 is the configuration manager set configmanager on * Set up a single profile to distribute everything def profile DB def profileassociation admins=* adsch=* scr=* do=* clo=* * on sm041a subscribe to the profile def subscription db server=hkgintsmsb1 Set up Virtual Volumes on tsmsb1 * create a new server policy domain def dom server def pol server server def mgmt server server1 Y1 def copy server server1 Y1 t=a retver=370 dest=D1 assign defmgmtclass server server1 y1 activate pol server server1 notify subscribers * register sm041a as a server node register node sm041a lacla52 domain=server type=server on sm041a * define devclass (server is already defined - see figure 69 p438 def devclass server devtype=server servername=hkgintsmsb1 maxcap=5g * define a storage pool to point to the server (must be called D1 as the default storage pool for all our backups and archives is D1) def stg d1 server maxscratch=99999 reclaim=100 (we will have to do reclamation for this stgpool also) * Run a test database backup ba db devcl=server More Server configuration This is like the original server config. Some stuff needs to be the same. Set Server run-time settings set authentication on set passexp 9999 set minpwlength 0 set webauthtimeout 60 set invalidpwlimit 0 set registration closed set subfile no set actlogretention 30 set summaryretention 30 set licenseauditperiod 30 set maxschedsessions 100 set eventretention 10 set clientactduration 5 set randomize 25 set queryschedperiod 6 set schedmodes any Admin Schedules * Define a new offsite script called A2_OFFSITE_BACKUP. This will do the database backup on the 2ndary server * Define a new schedule called SM041A_OFFSITE_BACKUP (on tsmsb1) to run the A2_OFFSITE_BACKUP script. Activate this sch on sm041a but not on tsmsb1 define schedule OFFSITE_BACKUP_SM041A t=a cmd="run a2_offsite_backup" startd=today startt=06:15 active=no Need to set up some admin schedules for this server. All admin schedules should be defined on tmsb1 and we only activate the ones we need ie: * AUDIT_LICENCES * BACKUP_VOLHIST * DELETE_VOLHIST * EXPIRE_INVENTORY_START * EXPIRE_INVENTORY_STOP * RUN_A_DRM * OFFSITE_BACKUP_SM041A Backup Schedules * Define a Monthly b/up schedule which will be used for archiving def sch db monthlyarchive startt=09:00 startd=today duration=14 durunits=hours period=1 perunits=month dayofweek=sat notify subscribers * on sm041a, def assocs as required (associations are not syncrhonised) def assoc db monthlyarchive ctrdev def assoc db monthlyarchive hkgintsmsb1 Client Option Sets * We need to bind all backups to the Y1 MC copy clopt unix unix_archive del cliento unix_archive inclexcl seq=5 def cliento unix_archive inclexcl "include /.../* Y1" seq=5 def cliento unix_archive dirmc y1 * do the same for windows copy clopt windows windows_archive del cliento windows_archive inclexcl seq=5 def cliento windows_archive inclexcl "include *:\...\* Y1" seq=5 def cliento windows_archive dirmc y1 Disaster Recovery Manager set drminstrprefix /opt/tsmadmin/drm/ set drmplanprefix /opt/tsmadmin/drm/plans_sm041a/ * Make the above 2 directories set drmrpfexpiredays 30 set drmchecklabel no set drmdbbackupexpiredays 8 * NOTE: We don't define any DR machines. Export Existing Archive Data * first, activate the policies act pol db db1 act pol server server1 * then export export server server tos=sm041a merge=yes filed=ar Note: you can't do an export server * after you've started using sm041a. If you do, the export node will go into an infinite loop until all storage is exhausted. Use wildcards to exclude sm041a * then wait.... and wait.... and wait.... * bind to the new clopt upd node node clopt={unix_archive|windows_archive} (can use wildcards eg: hkg*) Clean up data on tsmsb1 * delete the archive filespaces (can't use wildcards) del filesp server t=archive **************************************************************************** * -- Mark Ferraretto Unix Systems Administrator Deutsche Bank Hong Kong w: +852 2203 6362 m: +852 9558 8032 f: +852 2203 6971 [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] S To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent by: cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: TAPE LIBRARY SHARING EDU 06/17/03 05:23 PM Please respond to ADSM-L Hi TSMers: We have 1 AIX TSM Server with 2 IBM LTO 3584. I want to install a new TSM server on AIX (version and share the two libraries. Is it possible? How? Any ideas? Can anyone send me the detailed procedure? Este mensaje de correo electrónico y sus documentos adjuntos están dirigidos EXCLUSIVAMENTE a los destinatarios especificados. 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