Are you seeing this behavior for backups/restores, or just tape-tape

If you are getting this for backups/restore, try using a disk storage
pool, if you are not already doing so.  The key to success with LTO1
drives is keeping their buffers full and the drive in streaming mode; if
you are trying to do directly to tape, you may not be able to "feed" them
fast enough to keep them streaming.  Once they start working start/stop,
performance just falls apart.

If you are seeing poor performance tape-tape (reclamation, copy pool
backups) and are using a disk pool, try flushing the disk pool out to tape
before you begin the tape-tape operation.  I think you'll see a
significant performance gain.


On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 08:11:51 -0500
Colby Morgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> We in the process of moving to an IBM 3580 external LTO drive for manual
> offsite vaulting of primary storage pools.  I have read several older
> reports on about poor performance with TSM, LTO and
> small files.  We are experiencing the same behavior and I was just
> curious if anybody has ran into this lately.  We see about 10-15GB/hour
> with small files and 42-57GB/hour on larger files.
> We are running TSM on Win2k SP3.  The drive is an external IBM
> 3580 and is the only device hooked to an Adaptec 2940 SCSI controller.
> We are also running v5.0.5.4 of the IBM 3580 drivers.
> I maxed out the following server options (which helped):
> MoveBatchSize     1000
> TxnGroupMax             256
> I also set the drive parameters via ntutil as described in this Redbook
> (which also helped):
> Anybody else ran into these problems?
> Thanks,
> Colby

    Lloyd Dieter        -       Senior Technology Consultant
                     Registered Linux User 285528
   Synergy, Inc.   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
             Main:585-389-1260    fax:585-389-1267
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