It sounds like you need to refresh the registry keys. Use the Path Manager utility to refresh the Tivoli Decision Support registry keys. Performing the following steps:
a. Navigate to the Tivoli Decision Support Discovery Administrator installation folder. The default folder is c:\Program Files\TDS b. Double-click PathManager.exe. c. On the Tools menu, click Refresh Registry d. Click OK on the message box informing you that the registry keys were refreshed. e. Click Exit. That should do the trick. Try the install again.......... -----Original Message----- From: Lawrence Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2003 1:24 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: TSM Decision support 4.2.0 tools Problem: Loaded TSM Decision Support V4.2.0 Loaded and configured and populated a MSSQL DB with the 1st set of data. Tried installing Decision Support for Storage Management Analysis V 4.2.0 and I get message: UNABLE TO FIND REGISTRY ENTRY FOR TDS GUIDES CANNOT BE INSTALLED. Workaround anyone? Also, anyone use the loader and analysis tools, and any comments? Larry Clark NYS Thruway Authority (518)-471-4202 Certified: Aix 4.3 System Administration Aix 4.3 System Support Tivoli ADSM/TSM V 3 Consultant