>I am trying to backup a domino server loaded on an iSeries (AS/400) box. I >have loaded the TDP for Domino and the TSM API for OS/400. The documentation >is very slim, although it points me to a "Tivoli Storage Manager using The API >IBM documber # SH26-4123" and "Tivoli Storage Manager Installing The Clients >IBM Document # SH26-4102". I can't find either of these in a PDF online. All >the IBM sites lead me to a purchase site, and I really didn't want that kind of >wait.
The lesser manuals are not always carried forward into currency. If you go to the current client manuals page: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/tividd/td/IBMTivoliStorageManagerClient5.1.5.html and step backwards in releases, you'll see them. Richard Sims, BU