Hello everyone!

I am having a situation at work and I could use input from other TSM
admin's.  Hope someone can help!  Here is my situation:

On 12/15/2003 I changed the domain of a client named HMCH1015.   In the
process I deleted many archived files because the management classes didn't
exist in the new domain.  I have restored all of the missing files.

 Now the customer has come back and said there are more missing files.
Here is where I need the support.  Apparently the files that now appear to
be missing were originally archived from a server called FSI01.  FSI01
still resides in the other domain.  (I never changed anything with this
server)  The user is saying that because they now archive the same files to
the HMCH1015 server to the filespace e:\fsesdsf1\d0018, that is reported to
have missing files in it, that it directly relates back to my deletion
error in DEC concerning HMCH1015.

Here is the documentation they have given me:

I have looked at this several times and the only way I believe this data
has been lost is for the user to have deleted it because I have not done so
and I don't think that my error in December could at all be related to this
server.  Does anyone else agree with me?  Thank you in advance for any
opinions you may have on this subject!!!!

Here's a snippet from the last report we ran on FSI01:

ADSTAR Distributed Storage Manager
Command Line Backup Client Interface - Version 3, Release 1, Level 0.3
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 1998, All Rights Reserved.

Node Name: FSI01
Session established with server ADSMB: MVS
  Server Version 4, Release 1, Level 3.0
  Server date/time: 02/15/2002 10:01:55  Last access: 02/15/2002 10:00:08

             Size  Archive Date - Time    File - Expires on - Description
             ----  -------------------    -------------------------------
            2,396  01/30/1998 22:32:21    Y:
\am\REPORTS\acctg\scheduled\pfsxm800\Current.dox 01/28/2005
       10,411,641  01/31/1998 04:29:08    Y:
\am\REPORTS\acctg\scheduled\pfsxm800\Current.dox 01/29/2005
       10,479,913  02/28/1998 00:05:30    Y:
\am\REPORTS\acctg\scheduled\pfsxm800\Current.dox 02/26/2005
       10,576,242  03/31/1998 23:55:13    Y:
\am\REPORTS\acctg\scheduled\pfsxm800\Current.dox 03/29/2005
       10,746,355  05/01/1998 01:04:36    Y:
\am\REPORTS\acctg\scheduled\pfsxm800\Current.dox 04/29/2005
       11,029,391  05/30/1998 00:52:56    Y:
\am\REPORTS\acctg\scheduled\pfsxm800\Current.dox 05/28/2005
       11,163,665  07/01/1998 00:28:17    Y:
\am\REPORTS\acctg\scheduled\pfsxm800\Current.dox 06/29/2005
       11,745,212  08/03/1998 14:50:15    Y:
\am\REPORTS\acctg\scheduled\pfsxm800\Current.dox 08/01/2005
       11,920,805  09/01/1998 08:19:20    Y:
\am\REPORTS\acctg\scheduled\pfsxm800\Current.dox 08/30/2005
ADSTAR Distributed Storage Manager
Command Line Backup Client Interface - Version 3, Release 1, Level 0.3
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 1998, All Rights Reserved.

Node Name: FSI01
Session established with server ADSMB: MVS
  Server Version 4, Release 1, Level 3.0
  Server date/time: 02/15/2002 10:04:46  Last access: 02/15/2002 10:01:55

             Size  Archive Date - Time    File - Expires on - Description
             ----  -------------------    -------------------------------
                0  09/22/2000 10:03:01    E:\FSESDF1\D0018\ADHOC 09/19/2013
Archive Date: 09/22/2000  Time: 10:00:00
                0  09/22/2000 10:03:02    E:\FSESDF1\D0018\ADHOC 09/19/2013
Archive Date: 09/22/2000  Time: 10:00:03
                0  10/19/2000 10:01:21    E:\FSESDF1\D0018\ADHOC 10/16/2013
Archive Date: 10/19/2000  Time: 10:01:19
                0  10/20/2000 10:01:17    E:\FSESDF1\D0018\ADHOC 10/17/2013
Archive Date: 10/20/2000  Time: 10:01:16
                0  10/02/2000 10:03:30    E:\FSESDF1\D0018\AM 09/29/2013
Archive Date: 10/02/2000  Time: 10:00:16
                0  10/02/2000 10:03:32    E:\FSESDF1\D0018\AM 09/29/2013
Archive Date: 10/02/2000  Time: 10:00:18
           11,776  06/26/2001 10:00:59    E:
06/24/2008 Archive Date: 06/26/2001  Time: 10:00:54
           11,776  06/27/2001 10:00:54    E:
06/25/2008 Archive Date: 06/27/2001  Time: 10:00:47
           11,776  06/28/2001 10:00:55    E:
06/26/2008 Archive Date: 06/28/2001  Time: 10:00:47
           11,776  06/29/2001 10:01:17    E:
06/27/2008 Archive Date: 06/29/2001  Time: 10:01:07
           11,776  07/02/2001 10:00:34    E:
06/30/2008 Archive Date: 07/02/2001  Time: 10:00:19
           11,776  07/03/2001 10:01:04    E:
07/01/2008 Archive Date: 07/03/2001  Time: 10:01:00
           11,776  07/05/2001 10:00:24    E:
07/03/2008 Archive Date: 07/05/2001  Time: 10:00:17
           11,776  07/06/2001 10:00:25    E:
07/04/2008 Archive Date: 07/06/2001  Time: 10:00:16
           11,776  07/09/2001 10:00:56    E:
07/07/2008 Archive Date: 07/09/2001  Time: 10:00:43
           11,264  07/10/2001 10:01:07    E:
07/08/2008 Archive Date: 07/10/2001  Time: 10:01:04
           11,776  07/11/2001 10:01:03    E:
07/09/2008 Archive Date: 07/11/2001  Time: 10:00:58
           11,776  07/12/2001 10:00:23    E:
07/10/2008 Archive Date: 07/12/2001  Time: 10:00:17

As you can see, the first section of the report contains files from FSI01-
Y: and the second section contains files from FSI01-E:\FSESDF1\D0018. If we
run this now we get files for FSI01-Y: but nothing comes back from FSI01-E:

The QueryReportForNodeXXXXX is built from a command which is run daily and
includes an archive and two query commands. The details of the command run
on FSI01 is:

rem Run FSI dynamically-created archive commands.
cd c:\win32app\ibm\adsm\baclient

dsmc macro -verbose e:
\fsesdf1\d0018\Reports\ArchiveManagement\ArchiveRequests.txt 1>> e:
\fsesdf1\D0018\Reports\ArchiveManagement\ArchiveRequests.log 2>> e:

dsmc query archive -dateformat=1 -subdir=yes -nodename=FSI01 {FSESDF1_Y:}\*
1> E:\FSESDF1\D0018\Reports\ArchiveManagement\QueryReportForNodeFSI01.txt
2> E:\FSESDF1\D0018\Reports\ArchiveManagement\QueryReportforNodeFSI01.err

dsmc query archive -dateformat=1 -subdir=yes -nodename=FSI01 E:
\\FSESDF1\D0018\* 1>> E:
\FSESDF1\D0018\Reports\ArchiveManagement\QueryReportForNodeFSI01.txt 2>> E:

The first query statement still brings back files:

dsmc query archive -dateformat=1 -subdir=yes -nodename=FSI01 {FSESDF1_Y:}\*
1> E:\FSESDF1\D0018\Reports\ArchiveManagement\QueryReportForNodeFSI01.txt
2> E:\FSESDF1\D0018\Reports\ArchiveManagement\QueryReportforNodeFSI01.err

A snippet of the files brought back is:

Tivoli Storage Manager
*** Fixtest, Please see README file for more information ***
Command Line Backup Client Interface - Version 4, Release 1, Level 2.14
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2000, All Rights Reserved.

Node Name: FSI01
Session established with server ADSMB: MVS
  Server Version 4, Release 1, Level 5.0
  Server date/time: 03/31/2003 08:49:27  Last access: 10/24/2002 12:39:20

             Size  Archive Date - Time    File - Expires on - Description
             ----  -------------------    -------------------------------
            2,396  01/30/1998 22:32:21    Y:
\am\REPORTS\acctg\scheduled\pfsxm800\Current.dox 01/28/2005
       10,411,641  01/31/1998 04:29:08    Y:
\am\REPORTS\acctg\scheduled\pfsxm800\Current.dox 01/29/2005
       10,479,913  02/28/1998 00:05:30    Y:
\am\REPORTS\acctg\scheduled\pfsxm800\Current.dox 02/26/2005

When the second query is run:

dsmc query archive -dateformat=1 -subdir=yes -nodename=FSI01 E:
\\FSESDF1\D0018\* 1>> E:
\FSESDF1\D0018\Reports\ArchiveManagement\QueryReportForNodeFSI01.txt 2>> E:

Here's what comes back:

ANS1083E No files have previously been archived for 'E:\FSESDF1\D0018\*'

Tivoli Storage Manager
*** Fixtest, Please see README file for more information ***
Command Line Backup Client Interface - Version 4, Release 1, Level 2.14
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2000, All Rights Reserved.

Node Name: FSI01
Session established with server ADSMB: MVS
  Server Version 4, Release 1, Level 5.0
  Server date/time: 03/31/2003 08:50:18  Last access: 03/31/2003 08:49:27

Joni Moyer
Systems Programmer

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