Good enough? Compared to what?

Yes sir, we we were able to restore 50% of the information with the VW in 
the double amount of time... It only costed us twice as much, which isn't 
bad compared to the cost of buying a more expensive product, which had 
restored 100% of the data in half the time...

Normally when management says "it's good enough", they really haven't 
understood the consequense of data loss. This is normally because some 
people try to explain it to them by using technical terms and 
technologies, which, according to my experience, isn't something 
management understands...

Another experience is, that when the data loss is a fact, management is a 
lot more understanding....but then it's to late.

Best Regards

Daniel Sparrman
Daniel Sparrman
Exist i Stockholm AB
Propellervägen 6B
183 62 TÄBY
Växel: 08 - 754 98 00
Mobil: 070 - 399 27 51

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