TSM Server: (Library manager and client) for Solaris (2.8)
3494 Library with SCSI attached 3590 drives

At what appears to be random times, we have mount failures where we should
be in a media wait state... We see mount failures for scratch also, with
essentially the same sequence without the volume name specified or the
backup failure message.

TSM Library manager will get

ANR8779E Unable to open drive {blah}, error number=16

Immediately followed by dismount failure

AN8469E Dismount of 3590 volume {blah} from drive {blah} in library 3494lib

And the client will see
ANR9779E Unable to acquire a drive for volume {blah} from library manager.
ANR1410W Mount request denied for volume {blah} - mount failed.
ANR1229W Volume {blah} cannot be backed up - volume is offline or access
mode is "unavailable" or "destroyed".

I will do a move data on the volumes in question later in the day, and I
encounter no errors.

I have had IBM hardware look at the 3494 and the library logs show a normal
mount then dismount of the volumes when the errors occur.

Anyone else seeing this happening in a shared library configuration?

-----Original Message-----
From: Magura, Curtis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 9:13 AM
Subject: Re: File scan takes ages during backup

>From the tsmjbbd.ini file where the client is installed:

;   NotifyFilter
;       Specifies what types of filesystem activity to monitor for
;       a journaled filesystem.
;       Multiple activities may be monitored by combining (logical OR)
;       values.
;       The default value is 0x117 (File and Dir name changes,
;       last write changes, attribute changes, size changes, and
;       security changes).
;       Notification Type                          Filter Value
;         File name changes, including create,       0x00000001
;         delete and rename
;         Dir name changes, including create,        0x00000002
;         delete, and rename
;         Attribute changes                          0x00000004
;         Size changes, notification is deferred     0x00000008
;         until cache is flushed
;         Last written time changes, notification    0x00000010
;         is defered until cache is flushed
;         Last access time changes                   0x00000020
;         Creation time changes                      0x00000040
;         Security changes                           0x00000100

Curt Magura
Lockheed Martin EIS
Orlando Fla.

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Foster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: File scan takes ages during backup


You asked Geoff, but I'll reply :)

> Did IBM say why the notifyfilter parameter was significant? I'm
> curious what that controls.

If I remember correctly, IBM said that it controls exactly which events get
notified to the journal service. If your journal buffer is filling up, you
want to cut out unnecessary events. But I can't remember where they define
which bit corresponds to which event.

Richard Foster
Norsk Hydro asa

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