hi all, first things firts, aix 4.3 tsm 4.1 After a reboot yesterday tsm doesnt start. A collegue of mine has been at it till late last night. Now I have to pick it up. My guess is the database is corrupt. but the messages also come with other errors. could anyone help me out? anyway I've never had to restore a db before. How do I go at it? below are the errors
thnx heeps! michelle ANR0900I Processing options file dsmserv.opt. ANR000W Unable to open default locale message catalog, /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/. ANR0990I Server restart-recovery in progress. ANR9999D lvminit.c(1872): The capacity of disk '/dev/rtsmvglv11' has changed; old capacity 983040 - new capacity 999424. ANR9999D lvminit.c(1628): Unable to add disk /dev/rtsmvglv11 to disk table. ANR9999D lvminit.c(1872): The capacity of disk '/dev/rtsmvglv11' has changed; old capacity 983040 - new capacity 999424. ANR9999D lvminit.c(1628): Unable to add disk /dev/rtsmvglv11 to disk table. ANR0259E Unable to read complete restart/checkpoint information from any database or recovery log volume.