
> I tried to delete a filespace on my TSM-Test-server (V5.1.6.2 on z/OS 1.4)
> and got the following messages.
> Has anyone seen this before? What can I do? Is my DB corrupted?

  At least you'r lucky it's your test-server...

> ANR9999D IMFSDEL(1864): ThreadId<517> Error deleting group leader 0 243145.
> ANR0985I Process 11 for DELETE FILESPACE running in the BACKGROUND completed
> with completion state FAILURE at 13:12:52.

  Try a "show bfo 0 243145". If you'r lucky, this command shows something like:

  Storage Pool ID: xx  Volume ID: yy  Volume Name: 'volume_name'.
  If yes, you can try a "audit vol 'volume_name' fix=yes".

  If not, try a "auditdb". (How big is your database?).

  And if yes or no, always call your local Support immediatly, these errors
  are damn serious.

  Henk ten Have (running a "auditdb fix=yes" on a testserver for +3 days now,
                 database=70Gbyte, Processed 318836522 database entries sofar)

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