Hi all TSMers! I got just a prodject on my desk who says that I need to found a good disaster recovery solution for Microsoft SQL 2000. And I know how to get back the system in 5 min. But I still don´t know how to get back the SQL server with out any installation CDs. I have come so far so I backup all the program files but I still have problem to backup master.mdf. So I got two questions. Do anyone know if master.mdf need to be syncronize to another files? And do master.mdf need to backup with a Open File Manager or can TSM take a backup of that file with out any Open File Manager?
Med Vänliga Hälsningar/Best Regards Christian Svensson ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cristie Nordic AB Box 2 SE-131 06 Nacka Sweden Phone : +46-(0)8-718 43 30 Mobil : +46-(0)70-325 15 77 eMail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] MSN : [EMAIL PROTECTED]