This is funny, because our last (and first also) backup of an Exchange server was taken by TSM on 28th of February, all consecutive backups failed with the following error
==================================================================================== 03/01/03 18:31:40 ANE4993E (Session: 7720, Node: SA000001_EXCHANGE) TDP MSExchgV2 NT ACN3502 TDP for Microsoft Exchange: copy backup of First Storage Group from server SA000001 failed, rc = 425. ==================================================================================== The only client error messages are dsmerror.log ==================================================================================== 02/27/2003 18:34:25 ANS1005E TCP/IP read error on socket = 760, errno = 10035, reason : 'A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately.'. 02/28/2003 00:03:55 ConsoleEventHandler(): Caught Logoff console event . 02/28/2003 00:03:55 ConsoleEventHandler(): Process Detached. 02/28/2003 00:03:56 ConsoleEventHandler(): Caught Logoff console event . 02/28/2003 00:03:56 ConsoleEventHandler(): Process Detached. 02/28/2003 00:04:00 ConsoleEventHandler(): Caught Shutdown console event . 02/28/2003 00:04:00 ConsoleEventHandler(): Cleaning up and terminating Process ... 02/28/2003 17:06:49 ANS1005E TCP/IP read error on socket = 752, errno = 10035, reason : 'A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately.'. 02/28/2003 17:06:49 SendStartOp: Received rc: -50 trying to receive ConfirmResp verb 02/28/2003 17:06:49 ANS1814E Unable to start scheduled event '________E' 02/28/2003 17:06:49 ANS1815E Either the window has elapsed or the schedule has been deleted 02/28/2003 20:16:12 ANS1005E TCP/IP read error on socket = 756, errno = 10035, reason : 'A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately.'. 03/01/2003 18:38:25 ANS1909E The scheduled command failed. 03/01/2003 18:38:25 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'EXCHANGE_SCHED' failed. Return code = 402. 03/02/2003 00:05:20 ConsoleEventHandler(): Caught Logoff console event . 03/02/2003 00:05:20 ConsoleEventHandler(): Process Detached. 03/02/2003 00:05:23 ConsoleEventHandler(): Caught Logoff console event . 03/02/2003 00:05:23 ConsoleEventHandler(): Process Detached. 03/02/2003 00:05:28 ConsoleEventHandler(): Caught Shutdown console event . 03/02/2003 00:05:28 ConsoleEventHandler(): Cleaning up and terminating Process ... ==================================================================================== and tdpexc.log keeps saying ==================================================================================== 03/01/2003 18:38:22 Backup of storage group First Storage Group failed. 03/01/2003 18:38:22 ACN5350E An unknown Exchange API error has occurred. 03/01/2003 18:38:22 Retrying failed backups... 03/01/2003 18:38:22 Backup of storage group First Storage Group failed. 03/01/2003 18:38:22 ACN5350E An unknown Exchange API error has occurred. 03/01/2003 18:38:23 Retrying failed backups... ==================================================================================== We have an open PMR with IBM and the only reason we are not active on the case is that Microsoft Network administartor says there are some problems inside that box (there are 3 more identical without any problem), so that could be Exchange or OS issue. So we wait now. Exchange 2000 and Windows 2000 Server (both SP3) TSM 5.1 Regards, Tuncel Mutlu -----Original Message----- From: Ford, Phillip [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 5:08 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Exchange IS errors I have an open problem with TSM on this very subject. Their first incline is to make sure service pack 4 is installed on exchange. On ours it is/was. So that is not the fix. I will post if I find out anything. We feel that it may be size related. We have too such clients. One small and working. The large one was growing. Suddenly about a week ago it stopped working. -- Phillip Ford Senior Software Specialist Corporate Computer Center Schering-Plough Corp. (901) 320-4462 (901) 320-4856 FAX [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----Original Message----- From: Gibb, Malcolm A [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 8:48 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Exchange IS errors All, Trying to backup and Exchange IS (sure I've asked this before but I've lost the replies that were sent). The exchange server is coming up with an API error (ACN5350E) and RC=425. Mountwait is set to yes, compression is off. The Dbase is about 35GB in size. Anyone got any ideas. Mal Tel - (0191) 587 8941 Implementation Technical Lead Quantum DSMC Peterlee <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ********************************************************************* This message and any attachments are solely for the intended recipient. 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