Howdy -

        I seem to be having some sort of timing issues with the checkin
process via an automated script. The procedure:

        1. Fill the I/O station(s) with brought back tapes to be checkin'd
        2. Issue a 'checkin libvol <library> search=bulk status=scratch
        3. Wait a bit for a request to appear in the request queue
        4. Issue a reply corresponding to what appears in 'q req'
        5. Wait a bit for the whole checkin process to finish in search mode
        6. Issue a 'checkin libvol <library> search=bulk status=private
        7. Wait a bit for a request to appear in the request queue
        8. Issue a reply corresponding to what appears in 'q req'

        Manually, works great. My script parses all data just fine using
dsmadmc in batch mode (with -id= -pass=...) and the command syntax is
correct -- I know because it works fine by hand.

        I'm a little stuck in getting the exact timing *just right* for the
delays as well as the best way to construct a while loop logic to get the
timing right. It just runs through it so fast that it exits before it's
got a chance to answer both requests. Detecting certain corner cases seems
a little interesting when you throw in vagaries of timing, also.

        Alas, "cheating" by direct loading and using search=yes to avoid
the requests isn't an option for the weekly tape swaps. ;)

        Does anyone happen to have a similiar script fragment or even just
suggestions on how to construct the while loop 'just so'? :) Anything would
be much appreciated! (I'm trying to make the limited human interaction with
tapes reasonably bulletproof without requiring them to manually wade
through TSM - reduces chances of errors and not all personnel are skilled.)


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