Hi Again

Regarding the TSM DB, wouldn't the 'Used' and 'Total Usable Pages' figures
help to point to a fragmentation problem.

The output fro our DB is as follows:-

Available Space (MB):                         10,000
       Assigned Capacity (MB):         8,500
       Maximum Extension (MB):         1,500
       Maximum Reduction (MB):         1,492
            Page Size (bytes):         4,096
           Total Usable Pages:         2,176,000
                   Used Pages:         1,787,528
                     Pct Util:         82.1
                Max. Pct Util:         82.5
             Physical Volumes:         2
            Buffer Pool Pages:         32,768
        Total Buffer Requests:         10,278,342
               Cache Hit Pct.:         98.88
              Cache Wait Pct.:         0.00

Our database is 8500Mb assigned, and 82.1% utilised. So how do the figures
of '1,787,528 pages used' and '2,176,000 Usable Pages' work in this case.
If we have used 81% percent of 8500, our usable pages should be much lower
than used pages shouldn't it? Or am I missing something?

Thanks again

Farren Minns - John Wiley & Sons Ltd

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Subject:        Re: Fragmented Database Maybe?

>I'm Running TSM on a Solaris 2.7 server (E250 400Mhz, 1GB mem).
>We have been having severe performance issues recently and moved our
>volumes off onto a new disk...

You haven't cited the cause-effect case which would motivate such a change.
Are you certain that is the problem area?  If this is a substantial server,
then I would first wonder about the 1 GB memory size, which is rather small
these days.  More memory is usually the most expeditious way to increase
the performance of a computer system.  System performance monitoring should
reveal the bottlenecks.

>Also, is there anyway to see if indeed the database is fragmented?

(Chuckle)  By definition, all databases are "fragmented" - it's inevitable,
and the way they operate.  You will see numerous postings in the archives
that advise you not to be fixated on this, as it's unavoidable, and efforts
to "fix" it are ephemeral and time-costly.

Richard Sims, BU

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