Hello, I completely agree with Eric. Fix the bugs in the current level ant delay new functions. We are on and we want to upgrade to a 5.x level...
Bye Rainer Tammer On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 10:33:43 +0100, Loon, E.J. van - SPLXM wrote: >Hi Steve! >I don't understand your message. I haven't read any offending message about >development on this list. >Sure, there are several complaints about the stability of TSM lately, but I >think the people have the right to complain in this case. Lately there have >been several patches to patch patchlevels (think about the system object >fixes). >We all have to upgrade TSM to 5.1.x before April 15th. but we are eagerly >awaiting a stable PTF level. >We all know that TSM development are all doing everything they can to fix >all bugs and we DO appreciate that very much!! But I think I speak for a lot >of users when I say that Tivoli should wait with implementing new features >for a while so they can put all efforts in making the product more bug free. >On my part I volunteered for the TSM Beta program to help Tivoli debugging >this fine piece of software. >Kindest regards, >Eric van Loon >KLM Royal Dutch Airlines > >-----Original Message----- >From: Steve Harris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] >Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 03:29 >To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Subject: Stop Bagging TSM Developers. > > >Dear List, > >I'm compelled to ask you to please stop bagging the TSM development and >support folks. > >TSM is a very complex product running in very complex environments, no two >of which are the same. It runs on multiple platforms both client and server. >The product has evolved a long way from its origins, as has the computing >environment in general - I am sure that many of the original assumptions >that the developers made are no longer valid. For example, who, ten years >ago would have thought that a 3TB disk store might be a cheap proposition? > >The TSM folks have contantly improved their product in response to user >input and client OS developments - again some of these changes may well go >against the philosophy of the product - take windows system objects for an >instance. Change = vulnerabilty to error in the short term. > >As to support expertise, this is a niche product with few users. Level one >and even level 2 folks need time to become familiar with it and they do >that the same way as we do, by interacting with the product (or in their >case with users of the product who have problems). Would you like to be a >level 3 expert in TSM who spends your day doing lower expertise support >tasks? I don't think so. And those level three folks are needed to enhance >debug and develop the TSM product line. > >Finally I need to remind us all that TSM patches are just that, Patches >designed to fix a particular problem. Whilst it is sometimes impossible to >avoid the "upgrade waltz" that someone here has recently mentioned, >upgrading to a patch level should only be done *if you are affected by the >problem that the patch addresses*. If you don't have the problem, go to the >maintenance level, not the latest patch. > >Shooting at the development and support folks is easy and feels good in the >short term for the poster, but it is depressing in the long run for them and >for the rest of the list, and, ultimately futile. I'd ask you all to think >twice before firing off the next salvo. > >Steve Harris >(Asbestos suit donned!) >AIX and TSM Admin >Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia > > > >********************************************************************** >This e-mail, including any attachments sent with it, is confidential >and for the sole use of the intended recipient(s). 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