The most reliable method is to not use the Daemon at all, but to instead
place an alias of the actual scheduler in the startup folder.  The Daemon
has issues under Mac OS 9 and 10.  The drwaback to this is that if the user
quits out of the scheduler, it will not restart like the Daemon does so you
must warn your users not to quit out.  Also, the scheduler will pop up when
the system is turned on or the user logs back in.  To get this pop up to go
away, the user must click anywhere in the background or on another app to
get it to move to the background.

Jim Neal
TSM Administrator
NASA/AMES Research Center

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
John Bremer
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 7:36 AM
Subject: Mac client scheduler

Macintosh *SMers,

Can any of you please share you experience and advice on the best and most
reliable method for starting the TSM Scheduler on Mac OS 9 and OS X?

The installer is sets up an alias to the daemon in startup folder.  Have
any of you done differently, for example, to use the scheduler application
in start up?

Thanks.  John

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