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I am interested in talking to any users of TDP for EMC. There is minimal information available on the IBM/TIVOLI web pages. What I would like to find out: - an overview of the process called under the covers - technical limitations (ie does it only run on AIX and Crays etc) - if people utilising Timefinder find it more flexible and / or cheaper to manage BCVs via in-house written scripts Peter Griffin Sydney Water ----------------------------------------------------------- Voluntary water restrictions now apply to residents in Sydney, Blue Mountains and the Illawarra. No sprinklers or watering systems between 8am and 8pm. No hosing of paths, buildings or hard surfaces. For more information visit www.sydneywater.com.au ----------------------------------------------------------- NOTICE - This communication contains information which is confidential and the copyright of Sydney Water or a third party. If you are not the intended recipient of this communication please delete and destroy all copies and inform the sender immediately. If you are the intended recipient of this communication you should not copy, disclose or distribute this communication without the authority of Sydney Water. Any views expressed in this communication are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically states them to be the views of Sydney Water. Except as required at law, Sydney Water does not represent, warrant and/or guarantee the integrity of this communication has been maintained nor that the communication is free of errors, virus, interception or interference. The attached files are provided and may only be used on the basis that the user assumes all responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence resulting directly or indirectly from the use of the attached files, whether caused by the negligence of the sender or not. Sydney Water is not responsible for any changes made to a document other than those made by Sydney Water or for the effect of any changes (not made by Sydney Water) on a document's meaning. -----------------------------------------------------------