I would imagine that the 64-bit client would support anything 64-bit? Just a thought.
--Justin Richard Bleistein Unix Systems Administrator (Sungard eSourcing) Desk: (856) 866 - 4017 Cell: (856) 912 - 0861 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Qualls, Ted W {PBSG}" To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <Ted.W.Qualls@PBS cc: G.COM> Subject: Re: 64-Bit Filesystem Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] .EDU> 01/23/2003 11:10 AM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" look through the docs on tivoli.com/support I believe that TSM client supports 64 bit on the AIX platform (TSM client 5.1.0 and 5.1.5). Ted W. Qualls UNIX Enterprise Engineering PepsiCo Business Solutions Group 5080 Spectrum Drive Suite 600W Addison, TX 75001 office: 972.376.7809 pgr: 800.946.4645 pin 1090913 cell: 469.682.1773 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----Original Message----- From: Andrews, Bert A [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 9:12 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: 64-Bit Filesystem yes contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----Original Message----- From: Remco Post [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 9:48 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: 64-Bit Filesystem On Tue, 21 Jan 2003 08:40:23 +0100 Sascha Braeuning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hello TSMers, > > does anyone know, if TSM Client supports backing up a 64-Bit Filesystem. > Where can I find some hints in the docs? > > > I don't know what you think qualifies as 64bit, but at least jfs2 is supported. -- Met vriendelijke groeten, Remco Post SARA - Stichting Academisch Rekencentrum Amsterdam http://www.sara.nl High Performance Computing Tel. +31 20 592 8008 Fax. +31 20 668 3167 "I really didn't foresee the Internet. But then, neither did the computer industry. Not that that tells us very much of course - the computer industry didn't even foresee that the century was going to end." -- Douglas Adams