You shouldn't have to insert the password. If you use NWPFILE that will solve your 
problem. We have over 100 NW 4.11 servers being backed up with the 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 
client. The biggest problem that we had was a TSA problem. Downloading the newest TSA 
from Novell (Which has a 4.x fix hidden in it) solved the problem.

Douglas C. Nelson
Distributed Computing Consultant
Alltel Information Services
Chittenden Data Center
2 Burlington Square
Burlington, Vt. 05401

-----Original Message-----
From: Flemming Hougaard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 2:51 PM
Subject: SV: Netware NDS question for TSM

Have u used the "DSMC QUERY TSA NDS"? and the "NWPWFILE YES" in the DSM.OPT? Sometimes 
it still fails, and then u can use the following "NWUSer 
treename:.username.context:password" eg.nwuser


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Ron Lochhead [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sendt: 14. januar 2003 19:29
Emne: Netware NDS question for TSM

OS= Netware 4.11
NDS = 6.13

We are backing up multiple Netware servers using a older ver of the TSM
client because the Netware client back in June 2002 would not work on those
servers.  We recently setup NDS to be backed up via the scheduler and now
when the scheduler attempts to kick off the backup it prompts for a Netware
user id and pw?  So does anyone know how we can insert the Netware user id
and pw to prevent this from taking place?

Thanks in advance.  Ron Lochhead

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